
Light at Koordi

Valgus Koordis
Screenwriter: Hans Leberecht, Juri German
Cinematographer: Sergei Ivanov
Production Designer: Sergei Malkin
Composer: Eugen Kapp, Boris Kõrver
Editor: D. Lander
Producer: I. Poljakov
Main cast: Georg Ots, Aleksander Randviir, Valentine Tern, Ilmar Tammur, Rudolf Nuude, Olev Tinn, Elmar Kivilo, Evi Rauer, Hugo Laur.
Duration: 94 min
Language: Estonian
Subtitle language: English
Available formats: mxf
Colour: Colour

When Paul Runge, a soldier of the Red Army, returns home to Koordi after the war, he sees that, despite the new regime, life in Koordi hasn’t changed. It’s still a abandoned, uncultured Estonian village, where rich landlords still oppress the population. Runge starts talking about founding a kolkhoze.

Based on the story “Light in Koordi” by Hans Leberecht.

Eesti Filmi Instituut / Estonian Film Institute
Uus st 3, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 627 60 04
Rain Põdra
Head of Film Heritage Department
Triinu Keedus
Project Manager of Film Heritage Department

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