
Noblesse Oblige

Noblesse Oblige
Screenwriter: Rao Heidmets, Priit Pärn, Jaak Arro
Cinematographer: Tõnu Talivee
Production Designer: Jaak Arro, Tiina Linzbach
Composer: Olav Ehala
Editor: Irja Müür
Producer: Kalev Tamm
Duration: 10 min
Language: No dialogue
Available formats: DCP
Colour: Colour


  • PÖFF Shorts (Tallinn, Tartu; Estonia), 2021
  • Priit Pärn Animated Film Festival (Tapa, Estonia), 2016
  • Trickfilm – Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (Germany), 2014
  • Amiens International Film Festival (France), 2011
  • Laputa International Animation Festival (Japan), 2009
  • HÕFF – Haapsalu Horror and Fantasy Film Festival (Estonia), 2009
  • Hiroshima International Animation Festival (Japan), 1992, Special programme: Best of the World
  • USSR Filmmakers’ Union Animation Film Festival (NSVL), 1990, 2nd Prize
  • Nika – Award of International Confederation of Film Unions (Russia), 1989, Category: Animation


“Noblesse oblige” balancing on the borderline of the real and the unreal strives to express the monotony of this world, its illusory character, and emphasizes the lack of spirituality in the life based on everyday routine.

Eesti Filmi Instituut / Estonian Film Institute
Uus st 3, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 627 60 04
Rain Põdra
Head of Film Heritage Department
Triinu Keedus
Project Manager of Film Heritage Department

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