
The Last Relic

Viimne reliikvia
Screenwriter: Arvo Valton
Cinematographer: Jüri Garšnek
Production Designer: Rein Raamat
Composer: Uno Naissoo, Tõnu Naissoo
Editor: Virve Laev
Producer: Raimund Felt
Main cast: Aleksandr Goloborodko, Ingrida Andrina, Elsa Radzina, Rolan Bõkov, Peeter Jakobi, Raivo Trass, Eve Kivi, Uldis Vazdiks.
Duration: 87 min
Language: Estonian
Subtitle language: English, Estonian, Russian
Available formats: mov
Colour: Colour


  • Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Czechia), 2003

Featuring a courageous hero, his sweetheart, ardent rivals, Machiavellian religious authorities, and rebellious peasants, this medieval swashbuckler has become a true cult classic. An instant box-office his throughout the Soviet Union upon its release, The Last Relic is one of the most popular Estonian films of all time due to its entertaining form, critical subtext, legendary songs, witticisms, and fight scenes.

Livonia, 16th century. A young knight, Hans von Risbieter, inherits from his father a reliquary with the remains of St. Bridget, which a monastery wants to take possession of. Risbieter agrees to surrender the relic if he marries Agnes von Mönnikhusen, the abbess’s angelic niece. However, Agnes’s heart beats for Gabriel, a Robin Hood-like free man, who bravely stands up for freedom and justice. In the shadow of romantic adventures, the exploding anger of the Estonian freedom struggle is interwoven between the lines. In the form and shadow of historical scenery, the legendary adventure film has been able to speak to many generations.

Eesti Filmi Instituut / Estonian Film Institute
Uus st 3, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia
+372 627 60 04
Rain Põdra
Head of Film Heritage Department
Triinu Keedus
Project Manager of Film Heritage Department

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